Saturday, October 4, 2014


Happy Sunday, loves! Hope you girls are having a great weekend. NastyGal is having an awesome sale. I went through the sale and picked a few things for you gals. The black pump and the blue skirt both are $34. What a great price! These items are still wearable in the Fall. Check them out when you have a second:) Enjoy the rest of your weekend, can't wait to share more with you tomorrow:) XO


Friday, October 3, 2014



Leopard in cobalt, the front slit and the front zipper pocket all caught my eye when I saw this beautiful, bold and edgy skirt. I knew immediately that it had to become my new skirt. I'm just so so so in love with it. There are a few key items here that I used to dress up the skirt and they are also must haves for fall.

Floppy Hat
It has the power to elevate your look instantly and it adds a twist to this retro look. I picked the most classic color black because it goes with everything. The hat also makes your hair look better, haha. Besides black, camel and grey are both cool colors depending on the outfit you’re wearing. But you can't go wrong with black.

Pearl Accessories
I started wearing a pearl choker since the summer and yes pearl is still popular for the Fall. I saw bad gal Riri wearing these pearl studs. They are just perfect. They add so much femininity to your look and bring out a beautiful light on your face. These modern pearls are irresistible.

The floppy hat, pearl accessories and the cobalt leopard skirt - why not give this combination a try this Fall? BTW, the Bloomies sale ends Sunday. Don't forget to check out my picks. Thank you so much for reading. Wishing you guys a great weekend :) XO

当我看到这条蓝色豹纹,前面开衩, 旁边有口袋的美裙,这样大胆的设计和颜色,就知道这是我的裙子完全就是我喜欢的类型。今天我想说说我这套里面我特别喜欢的和让你立即提升时尚感的几样饰品。这个秋天绝对不可以缺少。


这种软软的帽子立即就提升了整体的时尚感, 让复古的穿搭变的更加帅气。我选了最经典的黑色因为百搭嘛。而且这种帽子带起来不用太担心头发,乱点也美关系。除了黑色,驼色和灰色也不错。但是黑色肯定不会错。




Outfit Details:
Skirt: CAMEO
Hat: NastyGal
Pearl 360 Studs: BaubleBar//Ring: BaubleBar (sign up news letter to get 15% off)
Shoes: Valentino
Top: For Love&Lemons (similar here)
Bag: Celine (also love this)
Brooch: Chanel (also love this Chanel Brooch)
Sunglasses: Prada (use code FRIENDS to get 20% off)

Shop the outfit

Shop floppy hat

Shop pearl accessories

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Happy Thursday, loves! Bloomingdale's is having a Friends & Family sale right now: 20% off almost all regular and sale-price items by using code FRIENDS at checkout. Bloomingdale's has a wide selection of many different items. It's pretty time consuming to go through everything, but I went through their site and I can't think of a better time to buy a new pair of sunglasses, Hunter boots or a pair of jeans. My own Prada and Ray-Ban sunglasses and my Hunter boots are all on sale right now. These Rails shirts are also so chic and would be great for layering with a blazer or sweater.

Lucky you, the Urban Outfitters mid-season sale also begins today! Some of the items are great for this Fall season. My ripped jeans are on sale as well. I went through the sale and picked a few other things for you guys to check out. Happy shopping, ladies :) XO

亲们星期四快乐!Bloomingdale's现在几乎所有的新品还有打折商品都有20%的折扣。结账时输入代码FRIENDS就可以了。东西太多,真的没可能每件都看,所以我帮你们看了,我觉得这几样必需品像太阳眼睛啦,雨靴还有牛仔裤还是很实惠的。现在是购入的最好时机。我自己的两副太阳眼睛像Prada, Ray-ban和我的雨靴都在打折。Rails的衬衫好看又好穿,之后配西装外套和毛衣都好看。

而且Urban Outfitters今天也开始打折了。毛衣和外套买了现在都可以穿。你们记得我在巴黎穿的这条破洞牛仔裤吗?现在也在打折。我帮你们选了几样,可以参考下。大家血拼快乐, 哈哈。


Urban Outfitters